Special Diet for Colitis

Colitis is an irritable bowel disease that causes inflammation and sores in the rectum and colon. Common symptoms include diarrhea, bloody stools, abdominal pain and cramping, and bleeding from the rectum. It can affect people of any age, but it is most commonly diagnosed in people between the ages of 15 and 30. The exact cause of colitis is unknown, but researchers believe the condition develops when the immune system does not respond normally to bacteria in the digestive tract. Some patients with colitis experience some relief from symptoms by changing their diets.
  1. Varied Diet

    • No studies or evidence suggest that colitis can be caused by any particular foods, but eating a healthy diet can help alleviate some of the bothersome symptoms. Eat a varied diet with foods from many food groups, including whole grains, lean meats, and fruits and vegetables. Additionally, Choose healthy fats and limit intake of saturated and trans fats.


    • For people with colitis, high-fiber fruits and vegetables can make bothersome symptoms such as diarrhea and abdominal gas worse. Colitis patients who find this to be the case should eat their fruits and vegetables steamed, baked or otherwise cooked instead of raw.


    • Some people with colitis will experience some relief from their symptoms by limiting or eliminating dairy products from their diet. This is especially true in patients who are lactose-intolerant. Additionally, when diarrhea is particularly bad, dairy should be eliminated from the diet until it improves.

    Trigger Foods

    • Some colitis patients may notice over time that certain foods and beverages seem to make their symptoms worse. Common culprits include caffeinated beverages, alcohol, carbonated drinks, beans, cabbage, broccoli and popcorn. These foods and drinks are best avoided or eaten in very limited amounts.

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