Cavernous Sinus Tumor
Carvernous sinus tumors can be benign or malignant and are a common cause of cavernous sinus syndrome. There are three common types of tumors that affect this area, including meningiomas, carcinoma, and metastases
Causes of Cavernous Sinus Tumor
According to Cedars Sinai Sinus Center, sinus tumors are rare and only about 2,000 cases are diagnosed annually in the United States alone. Smoking and exposure to dusts and vapors can increase the risk of cavernous sinus tumors. Sometimes trauma or infection to the area can cause tumors to develop in the cavernous sinus system.
The most common symptom of a cavernous sinus tumor is double vision; however you can also suffer from symptoms such as periodic drowsiness, difficulty breathing, increased intercranial pressure, or a weak pulse.
If the tumor presses against the skull, people usually experience headaches and double vision. The symptoms of a cavernous sinus tumor depend widely on the size and precise location of the tumor.
Occasionally, people who have this disorder notice dizziness and slurred speech. In some of the most extreme cases, people have experienced seizures, one-sided paralysis and coma.
If a cavernous sinus tumor is suspected, a physician will probably begin by ordering a CT scan or an MRI to provide images of the bone, calcium, and soft tissue. The images will provide a structural view for a physician to better diagnose the patient. In some instances, a fiber-optic scope might be inserted into the nasal cavity for a review of the sinus system. An endoscope can be used to determine if the mass is cancerous.
One of the most common treatments of a cavernous sinus tumor is a partial or full resection, or removal of the tumor, although this is not always an option because of the location and growth of the tumor. However, if the cavernous sinus tumor is small, endoscopic surgery might be used as a minimally invasive treatment. However, if the tumor has spread from the cavernous sinus system into the cheek, eyes, brain, nerves or other areas of the skull, more advanced treatments might be necessary. Chemotherapy and radiation may be options for patients who are not candidates for surgery. Many doctors will combine treatments to maximize the effect and tailor the treatment to the needs of each individual patient.
In some cases, cavernous sinus tumors cause an increase in pressure in the brain and can lead to an aneurysm. A rupture of an aneurysm often leads to excessive bleeding, which may be fatal and can cause stroke, disability, and death. Sometimes, aneurysms lead to neurological problems, like weakness and numbness.