Blood & Yeast Infections
Yeast Infection
Usually, when Candida proliferates it causes the levels of acid and yeast in the vagina to become imbalanced; leading to the development of a yeast infection. Symptoms of a yeast infection include an itching sensation, soreness, white vaginal discharge, a rash, swelling and a burning feeling during intercourse and urination, lists American Pregnancy.
Systemic Yeast Infection
In some cases Candida is able to get into the bloodstream and extend to different parts of the body, known as systemic yeast infection. People with HIV/AIDS commonly have systemic yeast infection, because their immune system is increasingly deteriorating. Symptoms of Candida include lethargy, fatigue, migraine headaches, sensory issues, hypoglycemia, muscle pain, respiratory troubles, anxiety, mood swings, dizziness, earaches, low sex drive, difficulties in learning, sore throat and acid reflux, according to Holistic Health Solutions.
Yeast infection can be caused by changes in the hormones due to pregnancy, birth control pills, antibiotics, steroids, high blood sugar, vaginal intercourse, douching, blood or semen, reports American Pregnancy.
Systemic yeast infection occurs when the Candida is able to penetrate through the intestines to the bloodstream; a pathway to other organs of the body. The most common factors in leading to the development of systemic yeast infection include a high level of sugar intake and excessive use of antibiotics.
Yeast infections may be treated with an antifungal cream (Monistat) or an oral medication (Diflucan). Systemic yeast infections are treated with a mixture of things including supplements, medications and changes in diet. Targeting the digestive tract with the treatments, Photoluminescence and Ozone Therapy are additional methods that may be used in order to treat systemic yeast infections. Ozone Therapy and Photoluminescence involves removing blood from the patient; subjecting the blood to ultraviolet light or mixing it with ozone gas and then filtering the blood back into the body, according to Caring Medical. Under severe circumstances a vaccine for Candida may be suggested.
Lifestyle Change
In order to prevent yeast infections from continuing, one must change their lifestyle. Changing one's food intake is vital. Foods to avoid are yeast-containing foods such as alcohol, breads, sweets and sauces; mold-containing foods such as cured pork bacon, cheese, mushrooms and smoked or dried meats; concentrated sugars such as honey, dried fruits and fruit juices, according to Marcelle Pick.
Taking supplements including digestive enzymes (Candex), probiotics, important fatty acids (fish oil, flaxseed and borage seed oil capsules), vitamins and minerals, are also very important in treating the infection and maintaining a healthy body, reports Marcelle Pick.