Anal Fissure Cures
Home Remedies
Certain lifestyle changes and simple home remedies can help get rid of anal fissures without medical intervention. Increase the amount of fiber in your diet by consuming more whole grains, fruits and vegetables. If you cannot maintain a fiber-rich diet, fiber supplements are also an option. Sufficient fiber in your diet will help you to pass stools more easily by keeping them soft, thereby preventing tearing in the anus. In addition, drink plenty of fluids to help avert constipation. Regular exercise is also good for keeping your stools normal and increasing blood flow to the rectal area, which can speed along the healing of anal fissures. Get at least 30 minutes of moderate exercise daily. Sitz baths will help with the pain and discomfort associated with anal fissures. Soak for about 30 minutes in a warm bath at least once a day. Use plain water with nothing added, as soaps and bubble baths may only further irritate the rectal area. The warm water will aid in the healing process.Talcum powder applied in the anal region will reduce chaffing and irritation, and be sure to keep the anal area clean and dry. Finally, do your best not to strain while you are having a bowel movement. The pressure caused from straining can tear the existing anal fissure more, or even create a new one.
Medical Treatments
If you cannot cure the anal fissure with lifestyle changes and home remedies, you may want to seek medical intervention. There are a number of over-the-counter creams such as Preparation H and Tucks that can help to manage the pain and keep the inflammation down. Rectal corticosteroids may be prescribed by your doctor to reduce swelling and discomfort. Nitroglycerin ointment is another option. When applied to the anus, it will increase blood flow to the fissure by widening the blood vessels. This will aid in the healing of the anal fissure and also ease some of the pain. The anal sphincter can be injected with Botox as another form of medical treatment. This paralyzes the anal sphincter muscle for about three months and causes the contraction to relax so the fissure can heal. Surgery is a final resort for those who have persistent anal fissures that simply will not heal.