Disease of Hair and Eyelash Pulling
Trichotillomania is the medical term for the compulsion to pull hair from the scalp, eyelashes, eyebrows or other parts of the body, often leaving noticeable bald patches. Trichotillomania in adults often begins in childhood and becomes a manifestation of an impulse control disorder like obsessive compulsive disorder.
There are a few common signs of trichotillomania in a child such as showing a look of tension before the hair is pulled or when trying to resist the urge to pull, a look of relief when the behavior is completed, inspecting hair roots, twirling hair, pulling hair between teeth, or chewing or eating hair.
Pulling hair is a common behavior of small children, they often begin pulling hair during tantrums because they realize it gets attention from their parents. If the behavior is not addressed and dealt with it can follow a child into adolescence and adulthood. In adulthood, trichotillomania becomes more closely related to obsessive compulsive disorder and often leads to a negative thinking pattern and secret rituals.
In cases where a child's trichotillomania is interfering with their daily lives, the guidance of a psychologist can be very effective and helpful in the treatment of the child's condition. Most cases are successfully treated with a combination of behavior modification and antidepressants.
Other health risks associated with trichotillomania are infection, skin damage and permanent hair loss, all of which can lead to self-esteem and body image issues as well as problems fitting in and making friendships.