Spondylitis & Diet
While doctors are unsure of why spondylitis occurs, genetics seem to play some role, as the disease affects more men than women, with a history of spondylitis in the family increasing your risk of developing the disease. Symptoms of spondylitis normally begin to develop between the ages of 20 and 40, but children younger than 10 are occasionally affected as well. Symptoms include heel pain, inability to expand the chest and a restricted range of motion throughout the back and hips.
Spondylitis and Diet
As a disease of inflammation, diet can play a role in increasing or decreasing the frequency and severity of symptoms. There are many foods that are inflammatory or anti-inflammatory by nature, and a proper diet for spondylitis will act to minimize intake of the former while maximizing intake of the latter, resulting in a net balance of reduced inflammation and improved quality of life.
Spondylitis Diet
The Spondylitis Association of America recommends a diet that is rich in both calcium and vitamin D, as these can help to strengthen bones. As individuals with spondylitis already have an increased risk for osteoporosis, this is an important component to their diet. Beyond that, consume a diet that is rich in vegetables, fruits and whole grains. Limit your consumption of saturated (animal) fats, sugar, cholesterol and salt. Limit your intake of alcohol, and drink at least eight to ten glasses of water per day to remain hydrated.
Beyond helping to curb incidents of inflammation, thus reducing the severity of your symptoms, this is a well-rounded diet that has a host of other notable health benefits. As it is high in fruits and vegetables while being low in saturated fats and salt, the aforementioned diet can also help cut your risk of developing cardiac problems or cancer, according to the American Heart Association and American Cancer Society, respectively.
Beyond following the suggested diet, also consider supplementing with fish oil (omega-3 fats) to help alleviate your symptoms further. According to Yahoo Health, fish oil can be beneficial for individuals with spondylitis, as it has been shown to curb inflammation. Best of all, fish oil is relatively inexpensive. Between 5 and 10 g taken daily should produce a noticeable effect on your condition.