Pleomorphic Adenoma Symptoms
Pleomorphic adenoma is a condition that creates tumors in the tissue of the salivary glands. It is most common in people from ages 30 to 50, and it is one of the more common tumors that may arise in the salivary glands. The most common form of pleomorphic adenoma is benign, which is to say the tumors are not cancerous. The tumors associated with pleomorphic adenoma also do not spread unless they have been punctured or disturbed. Malignant, or cancerous, forms of pleomorphic adenoma tumors are extremely rare.
Pleomorphic adenoma tumors are very slowly developing lumps that will appear either just in front of or behind the ear which are called parotid tumors, or just below the jaw in tumors referred to as submandibular tumors. They are generally painless tumors, but if they grow large enough they may begin to cause discomfort by pushing aside internal organs such as the tonsils or the tongue.
Pleomorphic adenoma may also cause facial symptoms if it becomes malignant and depending on where the tumor is located. If a malignant pleomorphic adenoma tumor is located more towards the front of the parotid portion of the salivary glands, it could start to damage the nerves that connect to the facial muscles. This will cause noticeable disfigurement to the face and indicates a more severe stage of the condition.
The most common treatment for pleomorphic adenoma is surgery to remove the tumor. Prior to surgery, the doctor will perform a biopsy and blood tests to see if the tumor is benign or malignant. Malignant pleomorphic adenoma tumors may require further post-surgical treatment such as chemotherapy or radiation therapy to stop the potential spread of any cancerous cells.
It is important to schedule follow-up appointments for the surgical removal of even a benign pleomorphic adenoma tumor. An incompletely removed tumor can sometimes grow again, or it may even spread to other parts of the body and create other benign tumors.