Xerostomia Treatment
If you're suffering from xerostomia, your symptoms, in addition to dry mouth, may include: cracked lips and the development of sores or split skin in the corners of the mouth; halitosis (bad breath); difficulties swallowing, eating and speaking; sore throat; an odd taste in your mouth; fungal infections in the mouth; and dental issues such as tooth decay and an increased accumulation of plaque. Although infrequent dry mouth is common, a frequent or consistent dry mouth is cause for concern and should be investigated by a physician.
The primary method of treating xerostomia is through the proper diagnosis of the underlying cause. In some cases of dry mouth, such as those caused by cancer treatment, aging or a variety of other medical conditions. the best method of treatment is proper hygiene and measures to improve the production of saliva. Examples include washing daily with mouthwash, flossing and brushing after every meal; sucking on a sugarless hard candy or chewing sugar-free gum; discontinuing smoking; drinking water throughout the day; using a humidifier; and taking over-the-counter saliva substitutes such as Biotene Oralbalance, which contains carboxymethycellulose.
If your dry mouth is being caused by a medication, it should be discontinued if possible or replaced with a similar one. Hundreds of medications possess the potential of causing xerostomia, so discuss with your physician possible side effects of all medications he or she may prescribe for you. In addition to switching or discontinuing medications, your doctor may prescribe a prescription strength saliva stimulator such as pilocarpine and cevimeline.