Testicular Cancer Symptoms
Swollen Testicle
A common testicular cancer sign is a swollen testicle. A swollen testicle, even when painless, is a red flag warning for a number of testicular conditions and is often a presenting symptom of testicular cancer.
A lump anywhere on a testicle is an abnormal sign. Although not all testicular lumps are malignant or cause for concern, testicular cancer often produces a lump, which typically grows in size as the cancer progresses.
Testicle Pain
Although somewhat rare, testicular cancer can produce pain in the affected testicle. Testicle pain, especially chronic, ongoing testicle pain, that arises for no apparent reason is cause for concern and should be evaluated to rule out any serious abnormality.
Groin Pain
Due to the unique nerve innervations that exist in the groin and testicular region, it is quite common for testicular cancer, especially more advanced cases, to produce groin pain, sometimes severe, and in rare instances extending into the lower abdominal area.
Nausea, and in some cases vomiting, can occur as the result of testicular cancer. This a less-common symptom of testicular cancer but often times a sign of a more advanced case..