The Side Effects of Mesotherapy
Bruising and Swelling
Patients find that the injection site looks bruised and swollen after treatment. According to the Mesotherapy Advisor, this is a temporary side effect, which goes away in a couple of days. It is not going to have any effect upon the end results. There may also be mild itching at the injection area, because of the use of such compounds like lecithin. These compounds have a tendency of making the area extremely sensitive, and that reaction becomes apparent in the form of external bruising and swelling. Arnica can be applied upon the bruising and swelling, to reduce that side effect.
There is a slight chance of scarring, depending on the patient's skin type and whether she tends to scar easily or not.
Bruising and Numbness
Some patients have reported that they have felt a slight burning sensation and numbness once they have received the injections, however this is not something that lasts for long and it is not found in all patients. Just like other side effects reported, these normally subside within a couple of days to a couple of weeks.
Allergic Reactions
The products which are injected under the skin during the mesotherapy procedure consist of vitamins and plant extracts, among other medical compounds. There is a faint chance that a person might have an allergic reaction to any one of the varied ingredients.
In January 2005, there was a rash of infections caused by mesotherapy which were reported to the CDC, as well as to the state and local health departments in Maryland, Virginia and the District of Columbia. It was found that these infections were caused due to poor sanitary conditions of the administrator of the injections. If proper hygiene and sterilization protocols are utilized, infections can generally be avoided. Only in very rare cases does infection set in and become potentially dangerous.
Ulcer Formation
Ulcer formation may also be a side effect. They have been known to appear on some patients at the injection site. Timely treatment of these ulcers is necessary so that they do not get infected or turn into potential health hazards.