Types of Roundworms
Roundworms, also known as nematodes, are from a group called invertebrates. The worms are round with long bodies with sizes that vary from microscopic to being visible by sight. Roundworms and their eggs are found in soil and are transmitted through hand to mouth contact. They can also transfer through skin, primarily the foot. The majority of roundworms make their way to the intestine, which causes the possibility of additional health problems.
Roundedworms including pinworm, hookworm and whipworm. Trichinosis is also a type of roundworm; however this is the only roundworm not transferred through the soil. Trichinosis worms are found in undercooked pork and considered a rare infection type.
Symptoms of Infection
Symptoms of a roundworm infection are common with other infections. Fever, coughing, sweating and diarrhea are normally present. A pinworm infection also includes anal and vaginal itching, loss of appetite, pains in the abdomen and lack of sleep due to the symptoms. Hookworm infections occur through the skin, usually the foot. The point of entry will be itchy with a possible rash. Once the hookworm is in the intestine, symptoms of diarrhea, intestinal pain and blood in stools will be present. Stools may also be black in color and worms may be visible. A whipworm infection presents the symptoms of bloody stools, diarrhea and weight loss. In some cases a rectal prolapse occurs, which is when the mucous membrane protrudes through the anus. In the case of a trichinosis infection, the worms move to the muscle and live for several years without symptoms.
If roundworms are visible in a stool, collect a sample for medical diagnosis. A roundworm will lay up to 200,000 eggs per day, which makes testing the stool easy. A diagnosis will include a physical exam along with blood testing for infection. Pinworms are microscopic and found at the anal region. A tape test applied to the anus pulls off samples diagnosed with a microscope.
Upon diagnosis of a roundworm infection, an antiparasitic medication is prescribed based on the type of worm. Roundworm infections cause malnourishment, so treatment includes replacing lost nutrients to get the patient back in optimal health. Iron supplements and anti-inflammatory medications may also be prescribed for anemia swelling symptoms.