Home Treatment for Cirrhosis
Since this is regarding treatment in the home and not a cure, the thing you have to do is to maintain an awareness of the cirrhosis. You need to look out for signs of improvement or a worsening condition. The slightest change needs attention as complications may occur without notice. Emergency medical attention may be necessary for these kinds of events.
Alcohol and Sodium
As excessive alcohol consumption is the main cause of cirrhosis of the liver it is highly advisable to stop the drinking of alcoholic beverages immediately. Going cold turkey will only help the condition. Being diet conscious is important. Avoid all foods with high sodium content. Salty foods contribute to water retention in cirrhosis patients as they tend to retain sodium more due to their unhealthy liver. Remember, no salt.
Over the Counter Medication
Avoid over the counter medications like Tylenol and ibuprofen; only take medications on orders from your doctor. Why avoid Tylenol or ibuprofen? These are medicines that can cause more harm than good to the liver. Tylenol is known to cause liver damage if used excessively. Go over every medication you ingest with your doctor. The doctor will know exactly what to prescribe and in what dosage. Mixing different medications without a doctor's knowledge may result in death.
Cirrhosis of the liver is usually irreversible. In worst case scenarios, a liver transplant is necessary. This does not mean that your quality of life has to deteriorate. Follow the steps, continue consultation with your doctor, maintain a positive attitude and you may see a change in your condition for the better.