Fungal Yeast Infections
Skin Fungal Infections
Contracted through contact with fungi spores, usually through flakes from the skin. Symptoms include patchy, white dead skin in and around the affected areas.
Vaginal Yeast Infections
Created by an unbalanced pH in the vaginal area, which causes bacteria that is naturally present to overgrow, this infection results in a cottage cheese looking discharge from the vagina that can itch and burn.
Infections of The Mouth and Esophagus
This is also created by an overgrowth of bacteria naturally present in the mouth. Usually occurs when the body's resistance is low i.e., after recovering from a cold, or, more seriously, AIDS.
Athlete's Foot
Foot fungus are usually spread through moist environments, i.e., locker rooms or swimming pools. Symptoms include unpleasant burning and itching between the toes.
Dangerous Fungal Infections
Lung infections caused by Aspergillus fungi are potentially deadly. These fungi are environmental and can be found in demolition sites, stables and bird shelters.