Penile Curvature Exercises
Multitudes of men may experience or suffer the stress, embarrassment or pain of a curved penis during an erection, but few are willing to talk about it. However, exercises for a curved penis may help restore confidence, in addition to function. Curvature of the penis is generally caused by some kind of fibrosis or internal scarring, which does not allow areas of damaged tissue to stretch. Exercises can be performed in the privacy of one's home for effective relief.-
Exercises designed to strengthen spongy tissues that make up the penis improve circulation and help expand tissues and enhance blood flow into damaged areas. Such exercise helps strengthen weaker areas and often help reduce the curve caused by damaged tissues. Exercise also increases the function of valve muscles that enhance the ability of cells in the penis to hold blood, which offers men a longer erection time.
Penis Exercise
Mix approximately one-half of a teaspoon of Vaseline or other type of jelly or lotion onto the hands and penis. Individuals who perform exercises to reduce the curvature of the penis should be advised that a partial erection will be necessary to properly perform the exercises. The exercise is performed much like milking a cow. Grasping the penis firmly with the thumb and index finger (like the "OK" gesture), place slight pressure at the curved area and then stroke or "milk" the penis in the opposite direction of the curve. If the penis curves left, milk to the right. Switch hands to create a constant "milking" motion, continually placing firm pressure on the curved part of the penis as you stroke from the base of the penis to the head of the penis. Regularly perform this exercise on a daily or weekly basis to help reduce, or sometimes even remove, the curvature in the penis.
Ayurvedic exercise and herbal treatments may also be used to reduce a curvature of the penis. A natural way to speed the process of healing is to wear looser clothing and perform stretching exercises that work to strengthen the shorter side of a bent penis. Stretching may be performed on a flaccid penis and involve gripping the head of the penis and gently pulling. This type of exercise will strengthen and tighten the suspensory ligament at the base of the penis shaft.