Frequent Urination & Bed-Wetting in Children
Bed-wetting falls under two categories; primary enuresis and secondary enuresis. Primary enuresis refers to a child who wets the bed every night. Secondary enuresis refers to a child who begins wetting the bed after at least six months of having gone without wetting their bed. According to the Mayo Clinic, a child six to seven years old will wet the bed because bladder control hasn't been developed yet.
Bed-Wetting Causes
It is normal for your child to have an accident at night. Some children may start to wet their bed at night due to a small bladder, stress, or because they are a deep sleeper. You can help your child prevent accidents by ensuring that they empty their bladder prior to bedtime. You may want to avoid encouraging them to drink fluids before bedtime. If your child begins to snore at night, has pink urine that stains the sheets, becomes overly thirsty, or has painful urination, speak with your physician.
Frequent Urination
If your child seems to constantly be using the restroom when they weren't before, or has multiple accidents, this is a sign of something abnormal going on in your child's urine. They may have sugar in their urine, which is a sign of diabetes. According to pediatrician Dr. Sears, if your child has to really use the restroom, and they tell you it hurts when they need to go potty, this could also be a sign of a bladder infection. If you suspect that something is not right with your child, seek medical attention for your child to rule out any possible complications.
Moisture Alarms
Bed-wetting requires patience and time. You can help your child by using moisture alarms. Moisture alarms can be bought at most pharmacies. An alarm sensor is attached to a moisture sensor pad on either your child's pajamas or mattress. As your child begins to urinate, the alarm goes off, which will wake your child. It may take a few months before your child can sleep without wetting the bed.
Medications can also be prescribed by your physician to calm or reduce your child's bladder contractions. According to the Mayo Clinic, desmorpressin is a medication that helps your child produce less urine at night. There are also medications that can help your child hold their bladder better. Speak with your physician about which medication treatments are best for your child if you choose to treat your child with medications. If you child is suffering from a medical condition that is causing frequent urination, then the underlying medical condition will be treated accordingly.