Nail Biting in Children
Nail biting in children is often a result of tension and stress. She may be anxious about something at school, a recent divorce or a move, or she may be nervous around other children. She may also be bored. According to Baby Center,nail biting is a more common habit than thumb sucking, hair twisting, nose picking or tooth grinding.
Address Anxieties
If your child is old enough, try talking with him about why he is biting his nails. Depending on his age, it may be difficult to get him to discuss it, but you might point out that sometimes people bite their fingernails when they are worried. This lets him know that what he is doing is normal and may encourage him to talk.
Do Not Punish
Scolding or punishing her for nail biting does not help and, in fact, may make matters worse. You can let her know that you do not like watching her bite her nails, even though you know she cannot help it, and that you are going to leave the room for a little while. This may encourage her to stop. Keep in mind that she may not even be aware that she is doing it, especially if she is very young.
If your child is unaware that he is biting his nails, you can help him stop (if he is ready) with a reminder when you notice it. You might agree on a code word to use as a reminder. He may prefer a gentle tap on the arm to let him know. However, unless he wants to stop, these methods will seem like punishment and are not helpful. If he is a toddler, you can try keeping his hands busy with toys or activities.
Try colorful Band-aids on her fingertips or apply an over-the-counter solution that has an unpleasant taste. Be sure to check the ingredients because some solutions contain cayenne pepper and your child needs to be able to remember to keep her hands away from her eyes when she has it on her nails. Try a substitution, such as sugar-free lollipops or keeping her busy with her hands. Incentives such as manicures or special activities may be enough encouragement to stop the habit.
Medical Help
You may need to consult a physician if your child is biting his nails aggressively enough to make them bleed. Such intense biting puts him at risk of infection, which can lead to nail deformity.