Home Remedy for Facial Sweating
Diet has been found to play a role in excessive sweating. If you suffer from excessive facial sweating you will need to make sure your diet does not cause you to increase your sweating potential. The nervous system controls sweating, and because certain types of foods can trigger the nervous system to react, these foods should be avoided.
A calm, soothing diet for the nervous system is recommended. You should avoid highly caffeinated drinks, such as colas, tea and coffee. Instead, drink more water, which helps to flush out your system and remove toxins. If you want to drink tea, try a soothing tea that calms your nerves, such as chamomile tea.
A diet high in fiber, along with plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, is recommended. However, there are certain vegetables that can increase sweating and they should be avoided; these vegetables are onions, broccoli and asparagus. It is also recommended that you avoid eating meat. For excessive facial sweating you should try to adhere to a vegetarian diet.
Herbs have long been recognized as cures for many medical problems, including excessive facial sweating. Herbal facial scrubs have been recognized to reduce sweating. The herbs open the pores so they can release built-up toxins. Once you open the pores, you may experience more sweating at first, but the sweating should reduce once the toxins have been cleared from your body. It is recommended that you use a facial scrub only twice a week.
Turnip juice and sage tea are two natural treatments for sweating. Drink one glass of turnip juice and one cup of sage tea in the morning. Sandal paste is another treatment. Add a few drops of milk to your sandal herbs to create a paste and apply to your face. You can also try washing your face in rose water. Use a cotton ball to dab a little over all of your face to help you feel cooler and fresher.
What you wear plays a big role in how much you sweat. Your wardrobe should consist of light, cool and airy clothing. Dark colors and heavy materials will increase the potential to sweat. Cotton clothing that breathes will allow for better air flow. Do not wear constricting clothing that hugs your body. Your clothing should hang loosely around your body and allow you to move freely.
Try to wear lightweight socks and comfortable shoes. When your feet get uncomfortable they can begin to sweat, which can trigger a reaction that spreads to the rest of the body. Socks that breathe easily are not too constricting and help your feet to stay cool. Shoes that are not too tight and don't cramp your toes will also help in keeping your feet from being triggered to sweat.