Home Relief for an Ingrown Toenail
Causes and Symptoms
Possible causes of an ingrown toenail include wearing shoes that are too tight and crowd your toes, cutting the toenails with a curve as opposed to straight across, cutting the toenails too short and injury to the toenail.
The primary symptom of an ingrown toenail is swelling and redness accompanied by pain on either side of the toenail. The other possible symptom is the appearance of pus, which could be indicative of an infection, which would require medical treatment.
Home Treatment
If your ingrown toenail is mild and doesn't seem to be infected, the following at-home and lifestyle remedies may provide some relief:
Try soaking your foot in warm water for 15 to 20 minutes, three to four times a day. Not only does this help relieve pain and swelling, but it makes the nail softer, making it easier to lift.
After soaking, carefully slide a nail file underneath the ingrown part of the nail and lift it up. Place a small piece of cotton underneath the nail to hold it in place, giving it the opportunity to grow properly and making it easier to trim.The cotton should be replaced on a daily basis until the inflammation and pain has gone away.
An over-the-counter pain reliever may provide a little bit of relief from the swelling and pain. Examples include ibuprofen and acetaminophen.
Wear comfortable shoes that don't place too much pressure on the toes. This not only helps prevent future ingrown toenails, but gives the current ingrown toenail a chance to heal without interference. Open-toed shoes and sandals are recommended during the healing process.
If your symptoms don't clear up after implementing these treatments, your doctor should be consulted immediately.