Remedies for Tinnitis
White Noise
For many people, a constant background noise or white noise can help drown out the sound of the ringing that can be so bothersome. Listening to music or relaxing sounds such as the ocean can be a big help. White noise machines can be purchased that play soothing environmental sounds. White noise can be especially helpful when tinnitus sufferers are trying to sleep. It might help to purchase a white noise machine that comes with pillow speakers to help you fall asleep.
Hearing Devices
For people who have hearing loss that is causing tinnitus, it will usually be effective to be fitted for a hearing aid. In many cases tinnitus disappears when normal hearing is restored. Another type of device, called a masking device, can also be used to treat tinnitus. Masking devices are similar to hearing aids in their fit and appearance, but instead of amplifying sound they play a low-level white noise that helps drown out the sound of the ringing.
Ear Wax Removal
Occasionally tinnitus can develop when too much wax builds up in the ear canal, causing too much pressure. In these cases, the condition will resolve when the wax is removed. If your ear wax has built up and is impacted in the canal, visit your doctor for assistance removing it.
Medical Causes
In cases where tinnitus is caused by a medical condition, treating the condition can help resolve the tinnitus. For example, vascular or blood vessel conditions can sometimes cause tinnitus, but when these conditions are properly treated and controlled the ringing usually dissipates. In cases when medication causes tinnitus, stopping the medication will resolve the issue.