Signs of Stage 4 Lung Cancer
Lung cancer cells are able to travel easily to other parts of the body, which makes stage 4 lung cancer more difficult to treat. According to Cancer Research in the United Kingdom, about 1 out of 100 people diagnosed with stage 4 small cell lung cancer will live for five years. Two of three people who have small cell lung cancer already have an advanced form of lung cancer.
Early detection and diagnosis of lung cancer before it reaches stage 4 is important to a treatment plan.
Symptoms of Lung Cancer
Signs of lung cancer include persistence of cough, coughing blood, difficulty breathing, hoarseness, pain in the chest and back, repeat bronchitis and pneumonia, as well as wheezing.
Diagnosis of Lung Cancer
The diagnosis of lung cancer can involve a variety of tests and procedures, including chest X-ray, a physical exam, CT scan and PET scan. These are used to indicate whether lung cancer might be present.
After these beginning diagnostic tests, other procedures--sputum cytology, bronchoscopy and fine needle aspiration--can be used to determine the amount of cancer cells and what treatment options are available. A physician will begin by staging the cancer to determine if it has remained in the chest cavity or if it has spread to other parts of the body.
Staging of Lung Cancer
Once lung cancer has been diagnosed, the doctor will try to determine the extent of the stage and how far it has traveled. The cancer stage will also help what treatment option is appropriate. In stage 4 lung cancer, the cancer has spread to other parts of the body. However, symptoms depend on the type of cancer, which normally include two types: small cell lung cancer and non-small cell lung cancer. Other types of tumors affect the lungs.
Stage 4 Small Cell Lung Cancer
Many doctors prefer to divide small cell lung cancer into the limited stage and the extensive stage. Limited is when the cancer is normally in one lung, while extensive disease indicates the spread. Small cell lung cancer normally involves fluid around the lung. There are some physicians who still use the staging to indicate the spread of lung cancer. In this case, Stage 4 Small Cell Lung Cancer involves lung cancer of any size, which may or may not have spread into other areas.
Stage 4 Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer
Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer, also called metastatic lung cancer, is considered the most advanced stage. Unfortunately, many diagnosed with lung cancer are in this stage because of avoiding diagnosis and treatment. Metastatic lung cancer is not curable, but it can be treated to avoid progression and reduce symptoms.
Metastatic cancer can involve a tumor of any size, but these are divided into different categories.
If the tumors have expanded to other parts of the body, it can involve pain in the back, hips, and ribs, problems swallowing, headaches, changes in vision and seizures. Metastatic lung cancer can involve fatigue, weight loss and changes in appetite.