What Are the Signs of Hemorrhoids?
For many people, hemorrhoids mean pain. But this pain isn't necessarily the same for each person. With hemorrhoids, you may only experience a slight discomfort upon formation. Or you could suffer from a sharp, shooting pain. Pain may only be present during bowel movements or it could actually be more persistent in nature. You may find it isolated to the hemorrhoid itself or diffused out into the anus. It just depends on the person how the pain manifests itself.
Often accompanying this pain is some level of irritation. This irritation is usually felt as an itchy or scratchy sensation near the anus. And much like the symptom of pain, it can come and go or persist throughout the life of your hemorrhoids.
You may also experience an actual protrusion of a swollen vein from the anus. And depending on the size, you may or may not actually feel its presence. If you were to notice the protrusion, it can feel like hard stool left after a visit to the bathroom or a slight lump on the anus.
While many people experience inflammation of an anal or rectal vein, it is also possible to suffer from another type of swelling. For some people, their actual anus can become swollen, increasing the sensitivity of bowel movements.
It isn't uncommon for a hemorrhoid to cause you a certain amount of bleeding. This can be seen in the stool itself or on toilet paper after wiping, but it's usually only an issue during bowel movements. For the most part, you shouldn't experience any bleeding in your underwear or clothes, though there is still the potential.
Though not necessarily as common as other signs of hemorrhoids, inflammation of anal or rectal veins can cause some anal leakage in the form of feces. This problem should only persist during the course of your hemorrhoids and shouldn't be an issue after they've cleared.