Foot Stretches for Plantar Fasciitis
Orthopedists often prescribe an orthotic boot to be worn at night to keep the injured foot in a forward flex position during night as the first step in treatment. Eventually, you may need a permanent orthotic in your shoe to provide support to the arch.
Cold Sole Rolls
The course of treatment for plantar fasciitis includes physical therapy exercises which you may continue after treatment to keep foot muscles flexible. Rolling a rolling pin or similarly sized round object like a small ball on the arch of your foot is soothing for a painful plantar fasciitis flare-up.
Ice is often used to reduce the internal swelling caused by plantar fasciitis and you may choose to purchase a round ice cooler pack to get the benefits of both cold and round in the sole roll exercise.
Ankle Lifts
Ankle strength is important for those who suffer from plantar fasciitis. Ankles are attached to the foot and strong ankles take some of the stress from injured arches. To stretch the ankle, sit comfortably in a chair with your feet on the ground. Place a 2 or 3 pound dumbbell or other weight on the knees and lift your ankles. Try lifting 15 times with 3 repetitions.
Ankle Stretch
Your foot should and must be be stretched to achieve and retain flexibility in your arch. One way of doing this is to place a towel or rubber exercise band under the sole of your foot, doing a forward shin flex and holding the pose for as long as 3 minutes.
An alternate version of this exercise is the runner's stretch which reaches even deeper into your foot's arch. Stand with your hands against a wall and takes a giant step backward, keeping the leg straight or with a slight bend at the knee. Press your sole into the floor. Hold for a minute then repeat with the other foot. Repeat on each side 4 to 5 times.
Toe Curls
Curling your toes in a tight clinch creates toe strength and helps some sufferers of plantar fasciitis. While lying or sitting up in bed, curl your toes under as tight as possible and releases. Repeat several times to build toe strength and flexibility.