Symptoms of a Mild Head Injury
Confusion is a very common side-effect of a mild head injury. The confusion usually results after the brain has been pushed against the inner skull. It will usually take a few minutes to recover your senses after this has occurred. There is usually no permanent damage done when this occurs in a mild head injury. However, if the symptoms continue for extended periods of time you should seek medical help.
Post Traumatic Headache
According to J.N. Browndyke, Ph.D. on the website Neuropsychology Central, post-traumatic headaches are the most common symptom after a mild head injury. The symptoms are almost identical to a migraine. However, they can be very difficult to manage due to the irregular occurrence. These headaches usually resolve themselves within about six to nine months of the initial injury. However, there are some cases of people suffering with these problematic headaches for years after the initial injury.
Temperature Intolerance
Temperature intolerance can be a sign of a mild head injury. Often, the temperature intolerance will occur in addition to the post-traumatic headaches. Some people who have suffered a mild head injury have difficulty adjusting to even slight temperature changes. This may be caused by a minor injury to the hippocampus which controls the temperature for the body. Usually, the person will make a full recovery in a couple of days.
After a mild head injury, a person often will become easily irritated. This can occur after a minor injury to the Limbic System, which is the part of the brain that controls emotions. Normally, the injury repairs itself within a day or two. However, family members and friends should be made aware of the condition so that they understand why your mood swings are occurring.
Ringing in the Ears
A ringing or buzzing in the ears can occur after a minor hit to the head. This occurs when the brain's temporal lobe has been slightly injured or bumped. The ringing usually goes away after a few minutes to hours, but if it worsens or does not resolve itself, then you should definitely seek medical advice.
Slurred Speech
Slurred speech is a common occurrence after a mild head injury. It is believed to be a result of some minor damage to the parietal lobe, which is controls speech. This symptom of a head injury can be very disturbing to family or friends and is sometimes confused with a person who has been drinking. Slurred speech commonly resolves itself after a short period of time. However, if the problem continues you should consult a physician.