Home Remedies for Low Blood Pressure
Because low blood pressure can be managed through diet and nutrition, home remedies can improve this condition almost immediately. Start by increasing the amount of vitamins C and B. An assortment of foods contain vitamins C and B such as asparagus, brussels sprouts, cabbage, bell peppers, grapefruit, tomatoes, oranges, pineapples, strawberries, pinto beans, chicken, turkey, salmon, liver and red meat. In the case of low blood pressure, salt isn't off limits. Eat just enough to normalize your blood pressure.
Soaked raisins can do wonders for blood pressure. Allow 32 raisins to soak overnight in water. Eat the raisins in the morning, and drink the water the raisins were soaked in.
Basil leaves are another effective herb to increase blood pressure. Take 10 to 15 basil leaves, crush the leaves and strain through a muslin cloth. Then, add 1 tsp. of honey to the juice.
The most effective home remedy for low blood pressure is water. When you're dehydrated, not only does your blood pressure drop, but so does the volume of blood. So drink more water. Other drinks that elevate blood pressure include caffeine and beetroot juice. Caffeine drinks to consume include black coffee, tea, and soft drinks, but don't over do it. A cup of coffee should suffice. If you use beetroot juice, drink a cup twice a day for at least one week to maintain normal blood pressure.
Taking a cold shower or bath forces the blood vessels to contract, then expand, to help blood pressure return to normal. Another bath recipe to try involves using crushed licorice root. Take 3/4 cup of crushed licorice and add it to 4 cups of cold water. Allow it to soak for two hours. After two hours, quickly boil it and allow it to steep for five minutes. Then add the mixture to your bath water.
Causes of Low Blood Pressure
In addition to poor diet and nutrition, some other causes for low blood pressure involve heart attack, stroke, heart failure, shock, diabetes, anaphylaxis, pregnancy, antidepressants and an underactive adrenal gland.