Common Hemorrhoid Treatments
Dietary intake is a key treatment of hemorrhoids. Eating more fiber and taking a stool softener is one way to help in reducing the strain. Drinking at least eight glasses of water a day will help in stool passing that will in turn lesson the strain that enlarges these vessels.
Creams and ointments are sold over-the-counter and available by prescription. They are used topically to reduce the inflammation around the rectal area. They provide a light barrier over the hemorrhoid to protect it from further irritation. These creams and ointments also reduce the itching. Hemorrhoid tissues relax and become less inflamed when this cream is applied. This provides relief for the person suffering from this condition. There are also wipes that are sold with the same medication that is in the tropicals. They are used for cleansing and medicated the anal area after a bowel movement.
Suppositories are sold over-the-counter and available by prescription as a treatment for hemorrhoids. The suppository is used to increase the moisture within your rectum, making it easier to push out a bowel movement. It adds a lubricating effect to ease the pain and irritation that a bowel movement will cause in hemorrhoids. A suppository can only be used for about a week. If it is used any longer it can do damage to the rectum.
Fixative Procedures
There are "fixative procedures" that can be performed in the doctor's office. This includes rubber band ligation which ties off the hemorrhoids with a rubber band. There is coagulation therapy using electric current to remove the hemorrhoid. Laser and heat removal are also available to get rid of the hemorrhoid.
Hot and Cold Relief
Soaking in a warm tub has been used for ages to ease the pain and swelling of inflamed hemorrhoids. It is also a way to clean the area thoroughly. There are things you can add to the bath that lend minor help in soothing the affected area. Mineral oil added to the bath can be used to sooth and help reduce the swelling. Oatmeal soaks that are also used for this reason.
Direct heat from a heating pad is also used to help ease the pain in this area. Some prefer the opposite and use cold compresses when trying to get some relief.
A surgical removal of hemorrhoids is available and this is usually the route taken when none of the other treatments have been successful. The medical term for this is hemorrhoidectomy. Surgery is done in the hospital and it has its risks. There is a recuperation period that will have you home bound for a while afterward.