The Use of Prostaglandins
Prostaglandins play an important role in the body with many physiological. Prostaglandins cause constriction in smooth muscle cells, clotting or thinning of blood platelets and act as a messenger to tell the body to create pain and fever. They also regulate inflammation around damaged tissues or around injury sites. Prostaglandins are responsible for regulating calcium movement within the body and they control cell growth and hormone regulation. They are extremely potent to the body, but they also have a short half-life before being inactivated and excreted through urine.
Pregnancy and Prostaglandins
Prostaglandins are sometimes used in the induction or labor. The prostaglandin PGE2, administered vaginally, causes the uterus to contract, sometimes triggering labor and the onset of regular contractions. PGE2 also primes the cervix for delivery and labor. The prostaglandin Misoprostol (PGE1) can also be used in induction of labour and are more commonly used because they can be administered both vaginally or orally. Women normally need two doses of prostaglandin, given four to six hours apart, for the cervix to be ready for delivery and labour contractions to occur regularly.
Glaucoma and Prostaglandins
Glaucoma refers to a group of diseases that affect the optic nerve and can cause blindness. Prostaglandin analogs are prescription eye drops used to treat glaucoma. Prostaglandin analogs reduce the inflammation inside the eye by relaxing muscles around the eye. As the muscles relax, the eye is allowed to excrete fluid more efficiently. As the pressure and inflammation inside the eye reduces, the possibility of nerve damage and blindness is reduced as well. Side effects associated with prostaglandin analogs are stinging and burning when the drops are put in the eye and darkening of the eye due to an increase of pigmentation.
Mens Health and Prostaglandins
Prostaglandins are important for men's health and problems with erectile dysfunction. Prostaglandin E1 is produced during erection by the muscle cells in the penis. Prostaglandin activates an enzyme that initiates calcium release by the smooth muscle cells, which relaxes them and allows blood flow. During erectile dysfunction, the prostaglandin is not being produced, causing the muscle not to receive adequate blood flow. Erectile dysfunction medications release prostaglandin E1 into the blood stream, allowing the prostragladin E1 to relax the muscle to receive adequate blood flow, then causing the erection.
Other uses of Prostaglandins
Prostaglandins are used to create blood clots when a blood vessel is damaged. The body naturally produces the prostaglandins that are released to the walls of blood vessels when this is needed. However, during extreme injury, prostaglandins can be injected into the body, to help with the clotting of the blood in the particular area. Prostaglandins are commonly used to prevent and treat stomach ulcers. In your stomach, prostaglandins make the stomach less acidic and they stimulate mucous production. Prostaglandins are also involved in several other organs and systems such as the gastrointestinal tract, cell growth and the immune system response (fever).