Reasons for Nausea & Headaches
When somebody has high blood pressure it is called hypertension. Over 50 million Americans suffer from high blood pressure. Hypertension is also known as the "silent killer" because it is possible to have high blood pressure and not even know it. In cases where there are symptoms of high blood pressure the first symptom is usually a headache, followed by feeling nauseated.
Head Injury
Those suffering from headaches and nausea may want to consider whether they have hit their head recently. Almost all head injuries that have symptoms will include headaches and nausea. If headaches and nausea occur after hitting your head, see a doctor to diagnose the injury. If a concussion was suffered, a second hit on the head could do great damage to the brain.
Any kind of poison entering the body can cause both headaches and nausea. The most likely culprit is food poisoning. Consider if you had anything to eat recently that might not have been cooked properly. Another possibility is poison from an insect bite. Think about whether you've recently been bitten by a spider or another insect.
Problems with eyesight can cause headaches, which can lead to nausea. For anyone experiencing headaches and nausea consider whether your eyesight has been off or if your eyes have been itchy, red or teary. If this is the case then visit an eye doctor.
A night of drinking alcohol can result with the unpleasant effects of a hangover, including a headache and nausea. Other symptoms of a hangover can include sensitivity to light and noise, lethargy, diarrhea and thirst.
Heat Exhaustion
If the headaches and nausea occur after being in the sun for a long period of time, the person may be suffering from heat exhaustion. Other symptoms of heat exhaustion include sweating, muscle cramps and a weak feeling. Drink plenty of water when outside and go indoors if you start to feel heat exhaustion. Heat exhaustion can lead to a heatstroke.