Health Problems That Cause Excessive Sweating
A woman who is in menopause has not had a menstrual period for 12 months. During this time the ovaries stop producing eggs, and the hormones estrogen and progesterone. As these hormones levels decrease, the symptoms of menopause begin. A dramatic reduction in hormone levels can cause severe symptoms. One of the most common symptoms of menopause is night sweats. Menopause can cause mild or excessive sweating that usually happens at night. Hot flashes can occur at any time and cause light sweating during the day.
Leukemia is a form of cancer that affects the lymph nodes and bone marrow. White blood cells are cells that help fight infection in the body. The cells that become cancerous multiply and can spread anywhere in the body. One symptom of leukemia is excessive sweating at night.
Endocarditis is the term used to describe inflammation in the inner lining of the chambers and valves of the heart. This lining is called the endocardium. The inflammation is caused by bacteria attacking areas of the heart that are already weakened or damaged. Those most at risk are people who were born with heart or valve defects, artificial valves, IV drug users or had endocarditis before. Night sweats are a symptom of this heart infection.
Hyperthyroidism is an excess of hormones. Excessive sweating caused by hyperthyroidism is due to the functions of the body working faster than normal. The cause of hyperthyroidism is most often because of Graves' disease. Other causes include an overactive pituitary gland, inflammation of the thyroid gland called thyroiditis and tissue growth in the thyroid gland.
Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma
The lymphatic system in the body is part of the immune system. Lymphocytes are a type of white blood cell that produce a protein antibody which attaches to cells causing disease and infection. The immune system attacks the cells with the protein on them keeping the body healthy. Lymphocytes that turn cancerous begin to clump together forming tumors. Excessive night sweats is a common symptom of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma.