Types of Alcohol Addiction
Understanding alcoholism in its different forms and stages is important. It is a disease that can consume one's mental and physical health. Understanding how alcoholism progresses can shed light on how this disease can sometimes progress rapidly and blatantly, and at times, it may be very subtle and slow. However, despite that there are two main types of alcoholism, it is important to keep in mind they are one disease.-
There are two types of alcoholism: psychological dependence and physiological dependence. Alcoholism begins with psychological dependence. Using alcohol provides an alcoholic with a way to feel good, relax, or simply escape from life's difficulties. When a person begins to use alcohol in this way and does not learn how to develop healthier ways of coping with life, he becomes susceptible to the psychological dependence.
Beginning Stages
As alcohol becomes more and more of a crutch, alcoholics will begin to see it as the only way of feeling good, or at least this is their belief. Psychologically, it is their comfort. They will gravitate toward others who drink and feel uncomfortable around those who don't. When going to an event where alcohol is not present, they may sneak a few drinks beforehand. As their life becomes more centered around alcohol, they begin to move toward physical dependency.
Physical Dependency
One of the things at play in chronic drinkers is that the chemicals in the brain that regulate moods become ineffective. Alcohol begins to take over. This is the beginning of physical dependence. In its latest stages, alcohol can take control of the body's cellular structure and begin to act as the body's main source of nourishment. At this point, alcohol is needed literally to survive, and stopping "cold turkey" will create dangerous withdrawal effects. Seizures, nausea and shakiness are common, but in severe withdrawal, delirium tremens can also occur, leading to hallucinations and extreme physical discomfort.
The primary reason it is important to be aware of the two types of alcoholism is mainly related to finding the best course of treatment. While psychological dependence is very difficult to overcome, physiological dependence requires intensive medical treatment as a first course of action. If a person who is physically addicted to alcohol begins to withdraw from it, the results can be fatal.
Expert Insight
Alcoholism by its very nature can be difficult to understand. There can be an overlapping of symptoms--both psychological and physiological. It can dictate one's behavior as well as its impact on family, friends and those who are part of an alcoholic's life. It often can be subtle, making it difficult to recognize in its early stages. Treatment programs are available virtually everywhere, as are support groups such as Alcoholics Anonymous. Alcoholics who are physically dependent will require medical treatment. Most hospitals are able to help with detoxification. Consulting a trusted doctor can also be a place to start.