Home Remedies to Get Rid of a Fever
It's important to stay hydrated as your body loses water when you are running a fever, so drink a cold glass of ice water. Simply drinking a lot of water can bring your fever down and keep you hydrated. By adding ice to the water, you can help to cool your body down from the inside out.
If you can't stand water, you can drink other liquids such as apple juice. Popsicles and water ice are some other choices that you might enjoy more than water. Just make sure that you consume plenty of liquids to stay hydrated.
Willow Bark Tea
Willow bark tea has an ingredient that works similar to aspirin. Drink the tea by sipping it slowly. The tea will help reduce pain as well as bringing down your fever.
To make the willow bark tea boil one pint of water. Turn the heat off and add a quarter of a cup of the willow bark tea. Wait 20 minutes before mixing and drinking it. Drink eight oz. at a time.
Tip: If you do not have a health store near you that sells the willow bark tea, you can purchase it on the Internet. You can get a small tin of it for under five dollars.
Cold Compresses
Cold compresses help to bring a body temperature down by working to cool skin. You can make a cold compress out of water, or you can mix cold water with vinegar. Use equal parts of each. Place a wash cloth in the solution and then wring it out. Set it over your forehead for ten minutes and then repeat.
Tip: You may also want to take a cool bath. Sit in it for at least 10-15 minutes to cool down your body.
Fever Reducers
Adults can take either acetaminophen or ibuprofen to bring down their fevers. Acetaminophen can be found in Tylenol. Tylenol can be taken every four to six hours, and adults can take two capsules at a time. Ibuprofen is found in Advil and Motrin. It can be taken every six to eight hours, and adults only need one of these to bring down their fever. It is possible for adults to take acetaminophen and then ibuprofen two hours later. It is not possible to take two acetaminophens and two ibuprofens within two hours of each other. This is really only needed if your fever is extremely high and you are at risk of having a febrile seizure.
Medical Intervention
Adults should seek medical intervention if the fever reaches 105 F at any time. You should also contact a physician if your fever remains at 103 F and does not go down even after trying home remedies. If you are not seeing any decrease in your fever after two days, you need to call your doctor.
If you have a fever and it is painful to urinate, you need to call your doctor right away. Don't wait the two days because you may have a urinary tract infection. Also, do not wait to call your doctor if you have any other medical conditions such as heart problems or immune system diseases.