Over the Counter Remedies for Anxiety
Homeopathic Remedies
Homeopathy treats ailments with substances that produce similar responses as the symptoms, much the way vaccinations cause a lesser version of an ailment and thus help the body fight it. Homeopathic remedies for anxiety introduce small amounts of substances that would normally cause anxiety. You can get homeopathic anxiety remedies, such as Calms Forte tabs, over the counter at most drug stores.
Aromatherapy uses essential oils to treat mental and physical illness. Lavender and chamomile are the most popular oils used to treat anxiety. Fragrance oils do not produce the same effect.
Herbs that may help reduce anxiety include chamomile, valerian, kava and St. John's wort. These herbs come in capsules and loose leaf for tea.
Vitamins and minerals are important to keep your system running smoothly. If anxiety is mild, you might be helped by extra 5-HTP (or 5-Hydroxytryptophan), an amino acid that is a precursor to the neurotransmitter serotonin, and inositol, a nutrient that regulates metabolism.
Music Therapy
The old adage says music soothes the savage breast. A study by doctors at Temple University in Philadelphia has shown that music reduces anxiety before surgical procedures and may help with other anxiety.