Acne & Gluten Free Diets
What is Gluten?
At a basic level, gluten is a type of protein that is commonly found in grains such as wheat, oats, barley, and rye. Commonly consumed foods that contain gluten include breads, pastas, and processed foods. Unfortunately, these are all foods that make up the bulk of most individuals' diets, so abandoning gluten can seem like somewhat of a struggle.
Gluten and Acne
Much like lactose, many people are gluten intolerant. This means that they experience a mild to severe allergic reaction upon consuming products containing gluten. This allergic reaction manifests in the form of inflammation, which in turn results in acne. Thus, the consumption of gluten can be the first step in a chain reaction which leads to seemingly "incurable" cases of acne.
Sample Gluten-Free Diet
The best way to eliminate gluten from your diet is to adopt a plan of eating similar to the Paleo Diet. The Paleo, or Caveman, Diet is modeled after the presumed eating habits of our prehistoric ancestors. To follow this diet, simply eliminate the consumption of all grains, beans, potatoes, dairy, sugar, and salt. Instead, eat meat, chicken, eggs, fish, fruits, vegetables, nuts, and berries. This will effectively remove all gluten from your diet while helping you to attain permanent weight control as well.
Working Towards a Gluten Free Life
Taking the "cold turkey" route and eliminating all gluten-containing foods from your diet at once might be too psychologically difficult. If this is the case, consider eliminating one food type or category per week until you have removed all gluten from your diet. For example, start by eliminating consumption of cereal in the morning. The next week, remove bread from your diet as well. Slowly inching into a gluten-free life will make your new diet seem more like a habit and less like torture.
If using the "slow" route to remove gluten from your diet, remember to follow both the letter and the spirit of the law. For instance, if you always eat cereal for breakfast and remove that food from your diet, do not thereafter start eating bagels in the morning instead. Although breaking your dependence on grains and starchy carbs will be challenging, the reward could come in the form of a clear complexion and a healthy physique.