Exercises for the Prostate Gland
Kegel Exercises
Kegel exercises were invented by Dr. Arnold Kegel to help women regain bladder control following childbirth. Since then, Kegels have been adopted to a wide range of unanticipated uses--everything from premature ejaculation to improved prostate health. Kegels can help with prostate issues by strengthening the surrounding tissues while simultaneously improving blood flow to the area. Blood flow is associated with healing as blood is the sole deliverer of nutrients to an area--without adequate blood flow, tissue will not survive optimally.
To perform Kegels, you must first become familiar with the muscles involved. The fastest shortcut to doing this is to attempt to stop and restart the flow of urine the next time you have to use the bathroom. The same muscles that you contract to halt urine flow are the muscles which will be involved in performing Kegels. Once you are able to mentally flex these muscles at will, you are ready to perform Kegels. Sit on the edge of a chair or lie down on your back. As you exhale, tighten your pelvic floor muscles, feeling them ascend into your abdomen. Hold this contraction for the duration of your exhalation, then release as you begin to exhale. Repeat for five to 10 reps for your first session, and remember to breathe naturally throughout. Practice every day, working your way up to four or five daily sets of 15 to 20 Kegels.
Advanced Kegels
Once you are proficient at the basic Kegel, try these two advanced variants to further increase the muscle strength of your pelvic floor, exercising your prostate in new ways. The first method is called the "flutter." Perform this by rapidly squeezing and releasing your pelvic floor muscles upwards of 10 times consecutively. Do this for two or three "sets." To perform the second exercise, set up as though you were going to perform a normal Kegel. When contracting, attempt to mentally "suck" all of your pelvic floor muscles as high up into your abdomen as you can. As you release, bear down and "push" the muscles back to their original place. Repeat this forceful pushing and pulling for a total of 10 times. This will employ your stomach muscles as well as your pelvic floor muscles, so do not be surprised if you are slightly sore in the abdomen the next morning.