Low-Protein Diet for PKU
About PKU
PKU is the inherited inability of the body to properly utilize a particular amino acid--phenylalanine. Phenylalanine is an "essential" amino acid, which means that it is not normally produced in the body, and must be obtained through our food. As PKU sufferers are missing the enzyme that breaks down phenylalanine in the blood, excess consumption will result in elevated blood levels of this amino acid, potentially leading to dysfunctions in the brain. Thus, keeping phenylalanine levels low by intentionally limiting dietary protein consumption is crucial to avoid this potentiality.
Low-Protein Diet
The ideal diet for someone suffering from PKU would be complete abstention from any form of high protein food. According to the sample food "pyramid" provided by the PKU Clinic at the University of Washington, the bulk of your diet should come from juices, fruits, vegetables, and special low protein breads and pastas. Next best is rice, regular pasta, corn, bread, french fries, potatoes, and peas. The foods you should expressly limit include cheese, peanut butter, hamburgers, nuts, chicken, refried beans, milk, steak, pork, and eggs. These are the high protein "trouble foods" that can rapidly escalate phenylalanine levels.
Sample PKU Diet
For individuals with PKU, breakfast could consist of a low protein cereal or bowl of oats with a few pieces of toast and an apple. A sample lunch would be a chicken sandwich made with an ounce or two of meat, with plenty of lettuce, tomato, and a glass of fruit juice. Dinner could be a very small portion of meat (an ounce or two) with a pair of baked potatoes, broccoli, and some peas. For a snack during the day, have a piece of fruit or two.