Height Increase Techniques
Pay Attention To Posture
Just by having better posture, you may be able to increase your height by up to 4 inches. Here is the correct upright posture, according to SpineOne Orthopaedics: "First, take a look in a full-length mirror. When standing, your head should be over your shoulders, which should not be thrown back. There should be a natural curve to your lower back; your pelvis should be level; and your abdomen should be pulled in. Straighten your knees, but don't lock them. Finally, your weight should be equally distributed on both legs."
To check your back curvature, stand with your back against a wall and try to slide your hand between the wall and the curve of your middle back. Only your fingers should be able to slide through -- if your whole hand can fit, then you need to improve the curvature of your spine. Do this by tightening your abdominal muscles and rotating your pelvis backward.
Proper posture is also important when sitting. According to the experts at SpineOne, "to sit properly, your bottom should be planted squarely on the seat, and your abdominals should be pulled in to help keep your lower back straight. If possible, your feet should touch the floor. Footstools also allow you to sit tall and relieve pressure from the backs of your thighs. Avoid slouching, leaning forward or crossing your legs. Crossing your legs is not only a posture no-no."
Your back will get tired from staying in any position too long, even if it is perfect posture, so take breaks from sitting or change your activity once in a while. Try going for a walk or lying down to rest for a bit.
Stretching Exercises
Stretching your back can help to lengthen the spine and relieve tired muscles that may contribute to poor posture. A popular stretch is as simple as hanging upside down. This will open the vertebrae in your spinal column, creating more space between, and encouraging your body to create more bone to fill in the space. The safest way to do this is to purchase an inversion table or gravity boots, which are specially designed to help you hang upside down safely. Don't hang longer than 20 minutes since this may actually damage your back.
For another good back stretch, stand with your legs shoulder-width apart and clasp your hands together behind your back. Keep your arms straight and bend forward as far as you comfortably can, exhaling as your go forward. Hold your breath and stay in that position for 5 seconds then return to standing. Release your breath then arch backwards and stretch your arms up and back, as if you're yawning.
Exercises To Increase Height
Certain exercises can help you grow taller, such as swimming and sprinting. When you are swimming, there is less gravity weighing down on your body, which opens up bone areas, allowing them to fill with new bone tissue. Swimming is also a great way to relieve stress, which can inhibit growth. Try to swim at least 3 times a week for optimal results.
Quick body movements, such as sprinting, release high amounts of HGH (human growth hormone). The longer you can continue sprinting the more growth hormone will be produced by your body. Since sprinting involves mostly the legs, they will benefit the most from the release of HGH, which can increase your height the most.