Natural Methods of Removing Gallstones
In the event that you experience gallstones, primary symptoms include pain in the upper right quadrant of the abdomen, lasting anywhere from 30 minutes to hours; pain between the shoulder blades; and pain underneath the area of the right shoulder. More serious symptoms that warrant immediate medical attention include extended periods of pain, often lasting longer than five hours; flu-like symptoms such as nausea, fatigue, vomiting and fever; jaundice (yellowing of the skin); and feces the color of clay.
Natural Treatment
One method of naturally removing gallstones involves a diet designed to soften them and open up the bile ducts to allow for ease of removal. The efficacy of the treatment is strictly anecdotal, and as such it is wise to consult a doctor about all possible options before beginning any form of alternative or natural gallstone removal treatment. Popular alternative health supporter Dr. Lai Chiu-Nan suggests the following diet to remove gallstones:
For five days consume four to five glasses of apple juice or apples, which can help soften the gallstones. In between this you should eat as you would normally eat, with no abnormal changes in your diet. On day six, do not eat dinner; instead, consume a teaspoorn of Epsom salt dissolved in a glass of water. Repeat two hours later. This is designed to open up the ducts of the gallbladder. Two hours after the second dose consume a mix of half a cup of olive oil and half a cup of fresh lemon juice. This is designed to coat the stones and allow for easy passage. When you defecate in the morning, green gallstones should appear in your stool.
Other Natural Treatments
A number of simple lifestyle changes can help lower the risk of gallstones attacks and prevent new gallstones from forming. In addition to consuming ample amounts of water, a diet high in fiber and low in saturated fats may prove beneficial not just in the treatment of gallstones, but for your overall health. Gallstones may be more prevalent in those with a deficiency in vitamins C and E and calcium, though there is no medical evidence to support this. As such, consult with your doctor before beginning a new vitamin regimen.