Foods to Avoid With an Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm
Avoid foods that contain saturated and trans fats, and limit your intake of unsaturated fats. Your total fat intake for the day should be no more than 25 percent of your total calories, so reduce the amount of red meats and dairy in your eating regimen. When you do eat fats, make sure they're from "unrefined" sources, like olive, peanut or canola oils as well as nuts, avocados, corn, flax, soy, salmon, mackerel and tuna. These fats are considered either monounsaturated or polyunsaturated.
As you watch your fat intake, pay close attention to the amount of cholesterol you consume as well. Dietary cholesterol should be no more than 300 mg per day. But if you're currently dealing with a condition like abdominal aortic aneurysm, shoot for less than 200 mg. To do this, avoid foods that are considered high in cholesterol, such as red meat, dairy and eggs (specifically the yolks). Low-fat dairy should be fine, as you want to maintain a well-balanced diet; stick to skim milk, low-fat yogurt and low-fat cheese.
It's important to lower your salt intake while living with an abdominal aortic aneurysm. This is largely due to the common causes of the condition, such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol and atherosclerosis, so limit your sodium intake to fewer than 2,000 mg per day. If you aren't suffering from these types of conditions, keep your salt intake to fewer than 3,000 mg per day. Avoid highly processed foods, deli meats, prepackaged dinners, canned vegetables, canned soups and frozen foods.
Other Foods
While there may be a number of foods that you need to avoid with an abdominal aortic aneurysm, you still have plenty of options for your diet. Fresh fruits and vegetables should make up the majority of your meals, so purchase foods from your grocer's produce section. Also, eat plenty of whole grains, legumes and fish. Feel free to also eat some meats and dairy--just eat them in moderation.