The Best Diets for High Cholesterol

High cholesterol blood levels contributes to plaque in the arteries, which disrupts blood flowing to the brain, heart, kidneys and genitals. People with high blood cholesterol experience metal impairment, gallstones and impotence. Eating foods high in cholesterol and saturated fats further encourage plaque buildup. It is extremely important to choose the best diet to lower cholesterol and decrease your chances of a heart attack.
  1. Cholesterol Lowering Food

    • Functional foods are a term applied to foods that have healthy benefits and provide nutritional content. Cholesterol lowering foods are part of this group of foods. These foods include dried beans, strawberries, walnuts, olive oil, almonds, apples, cold water fish, garlic, bananas and carrots. Plant sterols have also shown cholesterol lowering benefits by blocking LDL absorption. You can find foods that have been fortified with plant sterols. Generally, yogurt, bread, orange juice and some cereals have a label that states the food has been fortified.


    • Choose water soluble fiber to reduce cholesterol serum. You can find this fiber in barley, brown rice, fruits, oat bran, barley and guar gum. Whole grain cereals have also shown to be able to lower cholesterol.


    • In order to lower your high cholesterol, you must limit the amount of saturated fats you consume. This includes all animal fats, palm kernel oils and coconut oil. Hydrogenated fats must also be reduced such as butter, margarine and lard. Refrain from using non-dairy creamers, because many have coconut oil in them. A better alternative is soy or almond milk. Try to cook with cooking sprays or extra virgin olive oil. Use cooking methods like grilling, poaching, steaming and baking that do not require fat.


    • The best diet plan is to eat a variety of fruits and vegetables. Choose lean meats, fish and soy products for protein. Avoid high fat dairy products and stick to feta and goat cheese. Incorporate a lot of fiber into your diet along with functional foods. Keep your blood sugar from fluctuating by eating five small meals a day. Consult with your doctor about your ideal weight and daily calorie allowance. Take charge of your diet and you give yourself the gift of a healthy cholesterol level to avoid health complications in the future.

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