Cures for Vericose Veins
Compression stockings are worn on the legs all day long. They compress against the skin and help promote circulation. These can be found at medical-supply stores and pharmacies, and they come in various strengths. They can also be gotten through a prescription from your doctor.
Sclerotherapy is a procedure where your doctor injects a solution into small- and medium-sized varicose veins. The veins in turn get scarred and fade away after a few weeks. Sometimes the veins need to be shot up more than once.
Vein stripping is an outpatient procedure where your doctor makes small incisions and removes a long varicose vein.
Ambulatory phlebectomy is an outpatient procedure where your doctor will make tiny skin punctures to remove smaller varicose veins.
Laser surgery is a newer treatment that is used to close smaller varicose veins. Strong bursts of laser light are shined down onto the veins, causing them to slowly fade away. There are no incisions made with this procedure.
Exercise offers a couple of benefits to varicose veins. It can help keep your weight down, which can take excess pressure off your legs, and it can also improve circulation in your legs. A good option to choose is walking.
Keeping your weight down can also be done by following a healthful diet. Eat foods that are high in fiber and low in sodium. High amounts of sodium cause water retention, and a low-fiber diet can lead to constipation. Both of these instances can lead to swelling.
When you sit or stand for long periods of time, blood has a tendency to pool up in your legs, which can cause your veins to swell. Shift your weight back and forth by walking in place to help alleviate this. You can also elevate your legs above your heart. Place them up on a chair, couch or a stack of pillows.