Cures for Women's Jock Itch
Anti-Fungal Medications
One of the first courses of treatment for women with jock itch is an over-the-counter anti-fungal medication. These medications are available as powders, ointments, lotions and sprays. Anti-fungal medications fall into two categories: azoles and allylamines. Allylamines require a shorter course of treatment than azoles, which are the least expensive of the two. If you have a severe case of jock itch or if you have tried an over-the-counter anti-fungal medication but the infection persists, your doctor may recommend a prescription-strength anti-fungal medication.
One good way to both prevent jock itch and also help clear up an infection is to practice good hygiene. It's important to shower daily, especially after exercising or sweating excessively. After showering, take special care to make sure the genitals and surrounding area are completely dry. Use a powder to keep the area dry if necessary. It's also important to change your underwear each day and wash exercise clothes or clothes that have become damp or sweaty between uses.
Jock itch will not become a recurrent problem for you if you take proper steps to prevent the infection. First, never share towels, clothing, swimwear or other personal items. Also, when exercising be sure to dress appropriately for the weather. Don't wear too many layers of thick clothing, especially in hot or humid conditions, because the clothes can become sweaty, giving the organisms that cause jock itch a chance to grow and thrive. If you exercise at a gym or fitness center, make sure to wipe machines down before using them. It's also important to promptly treat athlete's foot and other fungal infections because they can spread and cause jock itch.