Medications Used to Treat Motion Sickness
The most common treatment for motion sickness is over-the-counter oral medication. These drugs, such as Antivert and Dramamine, are part of the antihistamine family and should be taken usually 30 minutes to an hour prior to getting onto the plane, boat or whatever environment may induce motion sickness. These drugs usually work for four to eight hours and are safe and non-habit forming. If you suffer from severe motion sickness, talk to your doctor, as stronger anti-motion sickness medications are available through prescription.
Another form of treatment for motion sickness is scopolamine patches. These tiny patches are prescribed by your doctor to be worn for three days to treat motion sickness over time. These patches are good for cruises or boat rides or any situation in which you will be exposed to motion for a prolonged period of time. The benefit of these patches is that you don't have to worry about retaking medication for at least three days.
Another way to treat motion sickness can be done through the use of promethazine suppositories, known as Phenergan, that control nausea, vomiting and dizziness. These rectal suppositories, which require a prescription, can last anywhere from six to eight hours to control motion sickness.
Natural Alternatives
If you prefer to treat motion sickness naturally, a few herbal supplements have been shown to help alleviate the symptoms of motion sickness. The most common supplement used is ginger, which is usually taken in 250mg doses three times daily as needed for nausea and motion sickness or can be found in gum form to chew as well. Ginger can be found at most health-food stores in either capsule or dried form and as a gum at most drug stores. Another form of natural treatment is through motion-sickness bracelets, which use the power of acupressure at a certain point on your wrist that is believed to control nausea, to help alleviate the symptoms of motion sickness. These bracelets can be found at most drug stores.
As with any drug, talk to your doctor about the best form of treatment, especially if you suffer from severe motion sickness. Some of these drugs are not appropriate for all ages, so make sure that you read all information before use.