Tonsillitis Cures
Tonsillitis typically presents with swollen, red and painful tonsils as its primary symptom. The tonsils may be covered with either a white or yellow membrane, and it usually hurts to swallow. Associated symptoms may include headache, fever, fatigue, swollen lymph nodes and ulcers in the throat. Children with tonsillitis may also present with nausea, vomiting and pain in the abdominal area.
Viral Tonsillitis Treatment
The best treatment for tonsillitis caused by a virus is to simply take care of the throat and alleviate pain while the virus goes away on its own. Rarely is medical intervention necessary for viral tonsillitis. Some steps that can be taken to soothe and alleviate the pain include drinking warm liquids such as soups and teas and taking over-the-counter pain relievers such as ibuprofen and acetaminophen. These medications will not only help with pain, but also the inflammation.
Gargling with warm salt water can help with pain and inflammation as well. Although no one knows the exact way it works, some theories, such as those proposed by Dr. Douglas Hoffman on his website, suggest that the salt draws out the excess water build-up that forms as part of the inflammation.
Bacterial Tonsillitis Treatment
While the treatments used for viral tonsillitis may be used as pain relief for bacterial tonsillitis, the only way to effectively cure it and prevent its spread is through antibiotics such as azithromycin. Antibiotics are typically prescribed in pill form and taken for ten days; the entire course of antibiotics should be taken even if relief is felt in as few as one or two days. Should you have problems swallowing pills or prefer a quicker approach, a single antibiotic shot may be given.
In the event that the aforementioned treatments fail to clear up the tonsillitis or if you experience chronic throat infections (more than seven per year), a surgical procedure known as a tonsillectomy might be considered. A tonsillectomy is a simple outpatient procedure that involves complete surgical removal of the tonsils. You can go home the same day as the surgery, and a full recovery can take upwards of two weeks.