Tips for Alcohol Detoxing at Home
Prepare Your Environment
Clean out your refrigerator, cabinets and any hiding places you keep alcohol. Pour all contents down the drain and remove any bottles or cans from your premises. Have friends or loved ones take you shopping for clear soda, bottled water, high-protein foods, bread-based and sugar-based items. Have ice prepared in your freezer and obtain extra blankets or comforters for your bed. If you smoke, now is not the time to quit, secure a carton. Place clean five-gallon buckets by your bed and close to any chair or couch you frequent. Ask a friend, loved one, or sponsor to stay with you for at least three days, and write down phone numbers of additional persons.
Alcohol is a physical and mental addiction and when removed, your body will suffer withdrawals starting at about 48 hours of sobriety. Treat nausea and vomiting with lots of clear fluids to keep your body hydrated or suck on ice cubes. Consume bread and sugar-based foods to help alleviate shaking hands or body. Take Motrin or ibuprofen to control any fever that may arise and keep warm as perspiring will help remove toxin build-up from your body. You may feel restless and irritated. Have your partner massage your leg muscles, shoulders, head and neck to relieve stress. Sleep as much as possible, but do not use sleeping aids. When nausea subsides, consume protein-based foods to regain strength. Take a walk if possible as soon as you feel up to it. The exercise will help relieve the tension. Remember that the symptoms will subside. If fever or constant vomiting persists for more than 48 hours, contact your doctor.
Group Support and Meetings
Find a support group meeting in your area. Alcoholics Anonymous holds meetings worldwide at varying times of the day and night, and local rehabilitation centers hold outpatient groups on a regularly scheduled basis. Attend a meeting as soon as you are able to be up out of bed. These group meetings will help you understand the disease you are suffering from, and offer you hints and pointers on how to stay sober.