Recipe for Making Anti-Aging Cream
Anti-Aging Cream Recipe
Using light olive oil ensures a pleasant smelling cream, whereas using extra virgin olive oil may be too heavy and pungent for this particular recipe, which is meant to be light and creamy. Lecithin is necessary as an emulsifier to blend oil and water together preventing separation.
1 cup distilled water
1 cup light olive oil
3 vitamin E capsules
5 lecithin softgels
Place the distilled water and the light olive oil in the blender and buzz for 30 seconds. Add the contents of the vitamin E gels and the lecithin capsules. Blend all the ingredients until creamy and light. If the mixture appears to be too thick, add a few drops of water and re-blend.
Store the prepared anti-aging cream in night cream jars with screw-top lids or mason jars with lids and bands. Place the filled jars in a cool place or in the refrigerator, where they will stay fresh for up to two months.
Apply the anti-aging cream sparingly to your face at night or under your day makeup. Massage the cream gently around the eye area, being careful not to drag or pull the delicate skin tissues, which may cause damage. Pay attention to the mouth and nose area, which are prone to getting wrinkles. The neck area is sometimes forgotten when it comes to applying anti-aging creams, and as such should be treated the same way as the face.