What Are the Treatments for Varicosities?
Compression Stockings
Compression stockings are typically the first level of varicosity treatment. When worn all day, these stockings help muscles and veins move blood more efficiently. This may help to decrease existing varicosities and prevent new ones. These stockings come in a variety of colors and strengths. A doctor will help fit a patient for the correct degree of tightness and pressure.
During this procedure, a solution is injected into varicosities. Thes solution will scar the varicosities, which causes them to close. In a few weeks, the varicosities should fade; some veins may need to be treated more than once.
Laser Surgery
This procedure can be used to close off smaller varicosities. A laser is used to shoot strong light bursts onto the affected vein. Afterward, the varicosity slowly fades and disappears. Some patients may need to have this procedure repeated.
Catheter-Assisted Procedure
During this procedure, a catheter (thin tube) is inserted into a varicosity and the tip of the catheter is then heated. The heat causes the vein to collapse and seal shut; the catheter is slowly and carefully removed. This procedure is typically used to treat large varicosities.
Vein Stripping and Ambulatory Phlebectomy
During vein stripping, small incisions are made to remove long veins. This treatment will completely eliminate the varicosity. During ambulatory phlebectomy, small punctures are made to remove and eliminate smaller varicosities. These procedures do not interrupt blood flow, because the veins that are deeper in the leg take care of the majority of blood flow.
Endoscopic Vein Surgery
This treatment method is reserved for severe varicosities, especially those that are accompanied by leg ulcers. During this procedure, a doctor uses a tiny camera inserted into the leg to see and close off varicosities. Once closed, varicosities are removed through small incisions.
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