The Best Treatment for Prostatitis
With any type of prostatitis that is caused by a bacterial infection, the best form of treatment ultimately relies on prescription antibiotics. If urine backflows into the tissue of the prostate, any bacteria contained within the fluid can cause an infection. This can create an irregularity within the prostate gland, prompting it to become tender and inflamed. When this happens, you often experience pain and discomfort within the pelvis and abdomen as well as upon urination. To counteract these symptoms and the cause of the infection, a course of antibiotics, given over a period of anywhere between 3 and 4 weeks, is usually quite effective.
Another form of treatment that has proven effectual, namely when the cause of the prostatitis is unknown, is with a medication known as allopurinol, a xanthine oxidase inhibitor. What this medication does within the body is reduce the amount of uric acid secreted from the kidneys. The reason it could be effective in treating this condition is that there is some evidence that men suffering from non-bacterial prostatitis actually have higher levels of uric acid within their prostate, possibly linking this secretion to the disorder. By lessening the amount of uric acid in the prostate, it is believed that you'll experience a decrease in inflammation and pain.
With chronic forms of prostatitis not caused from bacteria, a series of prostate massage treatments has also found some success. In this procedure, the prostate gland is manually massaged by a doctor to decrease inflammation and any associated pain. Though this can be the best treatment for some men with the condition, it doesn't work for all, so talk to your doctor about the possibility of prostate massage.
You may also experience relief from your condition through the use of thermotherapy. Often referred to as transurethral microwave thermotherapy, or simply TUMT, a catheter is inserted directly into the bladder and a wire can then be guided to emit microwaves to heat and destroy any diseased or damaged tissue that could be causing the condition.
Self Care
It is also possible that the best form of treatment for prostatitis, especially in less severe cases of the condition, is self care. What this approach to treatment entails is the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and "sitz" baths along with the avoidance of certain substances that exacerbate the condition, such as caffeine and alcohol.