Rhythmic Stabilization Exercises for the Rotator Cuff
Rhythmic stabilization exercises for the rotator cuff can be done at home with low-tech tools: a stretchy band, jump rope and a basketball. Doing a few exercises three times a week is appropriate for most healthy people.
Identifying the Rotator Cuff Muscles
Most people do not really know what the rotator cuff muscles are---until they become injured and may need physical therapy to heal up properly. The rotator cuff includes four muscles.
The acronym S.I.T.S. identifies all four rotator cuff muscles that must be strengthened to keep shoulder joints healthy. They include subscapularis, supraspinatis, infraspinatus and teres minor.
You use these muscles to comb your hair, take off a jacket or to flip the pages of a book. You needn't be a bodybuilder or even a weekend warrior to do simple exercises to keep these muscles healthy and at less risk for injury.
Exercises to Increase Flexibility
Take a jump rope and hold one end in each hand. Stand with your feet wider apart than your hips. Stack your chest over the hips and bend the knees slightly, engaging the lower abs by drawing the low belly in towards the spine. Holding the jump rope as wide as your hands extend, lift and lower it from your chest to your back. Repeat 10 to 12 times to open the upper back muscles and move all four rotator cuff muscles in a therapeutic range of motion.
Exercises to Build Strength
Now take a stretchy band (available online or in massage supplies stores), and keeping your feet about hips-width distance apart, hold the stretchy band in your hands and elongate the band to shoulder-width distance apart. In a rhythmic way, stretch and release the band for 15 to 20 repetitions. This builds strength in the upper back and rotators.
Last, stand with feet apart hips-width and hold a basketball in your hands. Keeping your lower abs engaged, and chest tall, move the ball slowly by pivoting from the lower abs, to the right, center, and left 15 to 20 times. Rest.