Mild Anxiety Treatment
What Is Reiki?
Reiki is a complementary alternative medicine that started in Japan. It uses universal life energy to boost the body's healing power, and this energy is transferred to the client from the hands of the Reiki practitioner. Reiki energy cannot be seen, but it is often felt. The energy supplied through a Reiki treatment has been used to treat anxiety as well as a variety of other health problems, including pain.
What Happens During a Reiki Session?
The person receiving a Reiki session will usually lie down. The removal of clothing isn't necessary, but the shoes may be removed to allow for comfort. Various areas on the body will be touched for the purpose of transferring energy, but the practitioner may just hold her hands a few inches above the body. Either way brings positive results. In order to cover the entire body, an hour or more will be needed. The trained practitioner will feel energy in her hands in the form of a tingling sensation. Her hands may also get warm or hot. The person receiving the Reiki may feel the energy too.
How Many Reiki Sessions Will Be Needed?
To treat mild anxiety, one or more treatment sessions will be needed. The exact number of Reiki sessions cannot be determined until the practitioner has completed the first session. A day or two after treatment, the client should know whether or not additional Reiki treatment sessions are necessary by the way he feels. If the client is unsure, he can clear up his uncertainty by talking it over with the Reiki practitioner.
Where Can I Go for Reiki Treatment?
Reiki practitioners usually work at facilities that offer health care. You may be able to find a qualified Reiki practitioner in a doctor's office, a clinic, a hospital, or in a spa-type facility. You can also locate a Reiki practitioner by reading the ads placed in wellness directories you find in health food stores. You may find a Reiki practitioner who will come to your home to treat you.