Candida Cleansing Treatment
Cleansing process
If you take any kind of medication before cleansing, you are feeding the infection and will not feel better. Your colon is clogged and full of mucoid plaque and toxins, so you need a candida cleanse to eliminate the bad fungi and replace it with good bacteria. Your body usually maintains a balance of helpful bacteria and candida, but when candida increases in number, that disturbs the balance and causes candidiasis of the intestinal tract, or yeast infections of other parts of the body.
Dr. Natura's Colonix program contains a colon cleanser, a parasite cleanser (Paranil) and KleriTea to aid digestion. After doing the initial cleanse, make sure to take an anti-fungal supplement for two weeks. Oregano oil, caprylic acid or Threelac work well, and you should follow the directions and guidelines for whichever you take. For the first few days, you usually take one capsule, and then work your way up to taking five to seven capsules spread throughout the day.
After two weeks of taking an anti-fungal, you move on to a probiotic such as Latero-Flora or Garden of Life's Primal Defense. Probiotics add more beneficial bacteria to your intestines, so that will help correct the balance of candida to beneficial bacteria.
During your cleansing process, it's a good idea to take a colon cleanser/fiber shake such as psyllium husk and bentonite clay or Oxy-Powder. While a good fiber, psyllium husk is more limited than Oxy-Powder, in that it just removes wastes located around or near the middle of the colon. Oxy-Powder scrapes the colon's entire area. If you like, add a teaspoon of an anti-fungal to your fiber shake.
For extra care and precaution, you may want to repeat the cleansing and anti-fungal/probiotics dosages once the four weeks is up.
When undergoing any kind of cleansing treatment (and even when you complete the detoxification process), you should exercise. The more you sweat, the more you open your pores, allowing toxins to seep out. You are creating more toxins when you exercise, too, so make sure you drink liquids containing electrolytes (such as sports drinks).
Rebounding is a good exercise to aid the cleaning process. By jumping on a trampoline, you are flushing out your body's toxins by using your lympatic system. Other good exercises include jogging/walking, martial arts, meditation/yoga, rock climbing, roller skating, swimming and weightlifting.