Kidney Faliure Symptoms
Urinary Changes
One of the first things you may notice when suffering from kidney failure is a decrease or even cessation in the amount urine you produce each day. It can also cause the urine to become cloudy, hazy or darker than normal.
Often accompanying this change in urination is a certain amount of swelling within your feet and ankles as well as your legs.
Digestive Changes
Many people with kidney failure experience some level of nausea, vomiting and a loss of appetite, namely in cases that are chronic in nature. For others, stool changes in color and consistency, becoming dark and tarry.
Respiratory Changes
It is also common for someone suffering from kidney failure to experience a shortness of breath. This is commonly accompanied by a sense of drowsiness, weakness or even fatigue.
Cognitive Changes
Kidney failure may also elicit a change in your cognitive ability, prompting episodes of confusion or uncertainty. Sometimes, it may cause some restlessness and even insomnia.
It is also quite possible that kidney failure may cause pain to develop within the chest or mid-to-lower back as well as some muscle cramping in other regions of the body or even persistent headaches.